Sep 2Liked by Dale Wisely

I think you’re onto something! Our citizens aren’t capable of deciding who should be president. Most don’t know what’s going on in the world, or how it will affect them. I remember my mother saying that many people will vote against the very thing that would lift them up. I’m with you on Pete Buttigieg! Great guy!

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I'm much more about trying to make sure everyone who can vote will vote, although the upcoming presidential race has me, for the first time, wishing that large numbers of certain voters won't vote. Anyway, it's not that I think Americans are incapable of deciding who to vote for. I'm suggesting that we don't have an ethic anymore of studying and then being committed to thinking rationally and with moral coherence when we vote. Putting aside self-interest (or at least balancing it with concern for what others need) is a key to that. Most all adults are capable of doing it. Something is interfering with it in far too many people. I don't pretend to know what that is. In fact, I'm completely baffled by it.

Thanks, Linda.

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1. If 2 people are required for the anointment, I will stand on the other side of Pete Buttigieg and help.

2. With regard to the reshaping of the self after devastation: I thought I was coming out stronger, calmer, less afraid. But those descriptors failed. I run into thermoclines of anxiety without warning. I think what I am is more feral. Less dog/more wolf. In some ways braver, and in others less able to pretend I'm socially normal than even my slightly Spectrumish young self was. "Interesting(?,)" they think, "but you might piss on my rug." And I might.

3. I sent you an email. Feel free to ignore. I wanted you to have options.

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