Banning AR style guns is foolish, as AR is only a scary looking style. You can buy an AR style .22 caliber that is no more dangerous than a traditional wooden stock variety. A gun is only as good as its clip capacity. I would suggest a 4-shot clip as the only legal capacity -- just the same as stated in the hunting regs in most states. School shootings & similar behaviors are the resultant sickness vectors due to overpopulation & disconnection from natural life. Neither religion or banning guns is going to remedy this. It's the population bomb & it's everybody's baby.
Thank you for daring to say all of this, Dale.
Banning AR style guns is foolish, as AR is only a scary looking style. You can buy an AR style .22 caliber that is no more dangerous than a traditional wooden stock variety. A gun is only as good as its clip capacity. I would suggest a 4-shot clip as the only legal capacity -- just the same as stated in the hunting regs in most states. School shootings & similar behaviors are the resultant sickness vectors due to overpopulation & disconnection from natural life. Neither religion or banning guns is going to remedy this. It's the population bomb & it's everybody's baby.
Nicely said, Dale.
You make so much sense. Truly.
This is good, Dale. Wise points about religion in the classroom and guns in society.